I am pretty sure everybody has suffered from this, have you ? Eating your foods only to be doubled over with stomach pains soon after. Or maybe even the next day. This is EXACTLY what happened me. My love was greek yoghurt and I used to mix it with my nut butters and protein powder and that was a great tasting snack for me BUT one big problem – I would literally wake up in pain that night from the cramps it would cause in my stomach. But still I kept eating it, I knew this was the problem for me but I didn’t want to admit it. Why, because I loved my yoghurt so much that I just didn’t want to give it up but something was going to have to change.
So I booked myself in for a food intolerance test. It wasn’t cheap but like all good things they generally are. So the test was really simple and all it entailed was a prick of blood from my finger and a quick briefing on what the test would tell me. Sitting there getting it done, I just knew yoghurt, eggs and wheat would be problems for me. Low and behold, two weeks later the test came back and as you can see from the photo below Dairy, and Eggs were unsurprisingly my biggest problems. There were other problem foods like wheat, gluten and cashews.
What I had to do was give up those foods for 12 weeks and then reintroduce it to see if it was still a problem. Luckily for me eggs seem to be OK now as I have followed Dr Serranos advice and started to cook my eggs differently – no pain, no bloated belly. So far so good. I haven’t touched greek yoghurt yet as I have changed to coconut milk yoghurt. Please note this is not coconut flavoured yoghurt, but actually yoghurt made from coconut milk and its hypoallergenic.
So how can you find out what your problem foods are without having to go through an expensive test? I have made a video for you today so you can find out exactly how you can try to figure out and eradicate your problem foods without having to pay for it. This is a simple yet highly effective approach. To get instant access you need to click the “Pay With a Tweet” button below. Once you share this you will learn how to get rid of that sore stomach and bloated belly that you may be feeling right now.
Getting You Lean This Xmas