8 Tips To Beat The Flu This Winter
Winter is here and although the weather looks nice looking out the window as I write this, you can certainly feel the chill. It’s at this time of year the flu and other viruses are more prevalent and sick days increase. I got the flu jab once – years ago when I didn’t know better and what happened me? – I got the flu! WTF!!! I highly recommend you try work on natural ways to avoid flu and boost your immune system.
1. Boost your trace minerals such as Zinc and magnesium. Zinc has a great impact on the immune system. Beginning to use sea salt such as Celtic or Himalayn is also a good idea as these contain over 80 minerals to boost your immune system.
2. Wash your hands frequently. Seems so simple but it’s astounding the amount of time you go into the toilet and people leave without washing their hands. We get many infections from touching contaminated surfaces and then touching our nose, mouth and eyes.
3. Get more sleep. Did you read my blog on sleep ? Put simply, a lack of sleep wrecks your immune system.
4. Exercise regularly, 3+ times per week. This will strengthen your immune system when you exercise correctly. However be careful as overdoing it and under resting and dieting will have a negative effect on your immune system. Often times when you start a new exercise programme your immune system will temporarily be compromised, so this is even more important to make sure your nutrients are topped up.
5. Clean up your diet – Adding in more dark green veg and in season fruits will give you added vitamins and minerals. Far better than turnips and parsnips!!
6. Reduce or eliminate dairy. If you haven’t been tested for dairy allergy I highly recommend you get one. Different cheese, milk and milk based products effect your sinus’s and can make you more vulnerable to catching a virus.
7. Add in some spices – things such as tumeric, ginger, thyme and cloves. Great tasting and loads of benefits.
8. Supplement with Vitamin D3. Even more important now that the winter months are here and we won’t be getting any. Vitamin D is proven to do many many things (its my favourite supplement) and improving your immune function is 1 of those things.
Start on these today and become that person who never misses work, sport or family engagements due to flu!