January Jeans – How To Drop A Jeans Size This January
January has arrived again and people are beginning their new years resolutions like there is no tomorrow. If you didn’t read my last blog post then you will be better off reading that first then come back to this. If you really want to change and are willing to do what it takes to change the this information will do wonders for you. It is designed for those of you who want to drop a jeans size in January but also for those of you who want to improve your health.
You may have read some of these 7 Steps to Dropping A Jeans Size in my previous blogs but here it is in one very easy to follow article. I won’t go into massive detail on each point as I have blogged about them all individually before so scrolling back on my blogs will give you a lot of in depth reading.
Step 1 : Sleep –
You could make minor changes this January and combine it with more better quality sleep and you will drop bodyfat and lose bodyfat. Going to bed late and waking up early is a typical Irish thing to do and I am guilty of this myself at times. Getting 7-8 hours of unbroken sleep WILL 100% help you lose belly fat. This has to do with cortisol and you can read my blog about it here. Turn off your computer and telly an hour before bed and read. If you don’t read then do any relaxation technique you can to wind down. If you still find it hard to wind down then supplements like liquorice root may help but I would rather you tried to fall asleep by yourself before you start taking supplements.
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”https://www.profitness.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/water.jpeg” image_alignment=”right” headline=”Step 2 : Water ” text=”” alignment=”center”][/img_text_aside]
Drinking an adequate water intake will do wonders for you. Everything will improve. Staying hydrated with clean filtered water is extremely important for fat loss and health. There are different recommendations but I would rather you got to a place where it was natural to you to know water is essential and you need plenty of it EVERY day. 2 Litres is the minimum we recommend with most of our clients closer t0 4.
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”https://www.profitness.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/guthealth.jpeg” image_alignment=”right” headline=”Step 3 : Fix Your Gut ” text=”” alignment=”center”][/img_text_aside]
When the gut is functioning correctly it allows the foods and water we eat to enter the body and will stop toxins etc from getting in but when it is not working optimally the opposite will happen. You will also not be able to fully absorb the nutrients your body wants and needs.
Probiotics are organisms like bacteria that are believed to improve health.The digestive system is home to more than 500 different types of bacteria. They help keep the and assist in digesting food. They are also believed to help the immune system. We take them and find they help us a lot.Take probiotic supplements first thing in the morning or before going to bed, always on an empty stomach
Step 4 :Protein Goal
I have spoken a lot about how important protein is for health and for fat loss. You are probably far off what your protein intake should be and getting closer to this is so important if you are to see changes in your body and improve your health. I talked about it a lot in previous blogs. The bare minimum protein intake I would expect from fat loss clients would be – ladies 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day per day. So if you are 70kg you would be looking for a minimum of 105 grams of protein per day, not too hard!
Step 5 : Fibre Goal
Fibre is essential for fat loss – Men are said to need at least 38 grams per day and women are said to need at least 25 grams per day. And I don’t mean fibre from weetabix or other processed crap. Fibre from real food and/or high quality supplements. Grains don’t have as much fibre as you think and you will get more from certain other foods which also contain more nutrients. Food intolerances to a lot of fibre supplements develop fairly quickly so its best to rotate fibre sources regularly.
Step 6 : Healthy Fats
Fat won’t make you fat – well especially not good healthy fats which are very important to our health and for fat loss. We use many different fats including Avocado oil, Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Fish Oil and good quality meats also contain good amounts of healthy fats. To get a greater understanding you can read previous blogs I did on fats here.
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”https://www.profitness.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/6dc6ce15e16e0d8269be9d5818697b58-1.jpg” image_alignment=”right” headline=”Step 7 : Train With Weights ” text=”” alignment=”center”][/img_text_aside]
Training with weights is extremely important for LOADS of reasons including decreased bodyfat, less disease risk including diabetes and even cancer, improved posture, longevity to name but a few. Following a properly designed exercise programme like ours will teach you how to train correctly with weights. Here is our programme – https://www.profitness.ie/members/
We do not preach about quick fad diets. It’s all about lifestyle changes and finding what works for you. If you have a bad day or you feel like you hit a wall at times I want you to always come back to the above 7 points and not go back to your old ways. Going back to the low fat food, late night in front of the t.v, cereal for breakfast, ready made meal way of life WILL make you fatter and unhealthier.
Sorry to put that so bluntly but we are living in a generation that is being mislead with fake health foods and a money driven food industry. I will leave you with a great quote from The Book of Survival by Anthony Greenbacker
“To live through an impossible situation, you don’t need the reflexes of a Grand Prix driver, the muscles of a Hercules, the mind of an Einstein. You simply need to know what to do,”
The 7 points above are a simple what to do to drop a jeans size and improve your health this January! Now get started!!
Thanks For Reading