How To Train For Fat Loss In a Hotel Gym
The dreaded moment when you come back from all holidays feeling fat, tired and lazy – we have all been there right ? We went with good intentions of not making a gluten of ourselves and promised ourselves we would do some form of exercise, but it never materialised. But it doesn’t have to be that way and with just a few small mindset shifts you can come back from holidays feeling fit, healthy and refreshed. But how do you do this?
I put a post on my facebook page yesterday that generated quite a lot of interested and quite a few people seeking my help following it. This was the exact post
Goals – Do You Set Them ?
I am just finished Dr Serranos S.H.I.I.T protocol in the blistering heat on my holidays. I could have quite easily just lay by the pool all day and be lazy. My goal when I opened the gym was to never let any of our clients get into better shape than the trainers – a pretty big goal considering we have over 150 clients who get our training and nutrition programmes and others have use of the gym.
But that is still my goal and always will be – it drives me, the trainers and the clients on to get better results, we should be their benchmark. So many fat loss coaches these days are resorting to taking performance enhancing drugs but in my opinion thats cheating and conning your clients, there is no substitute for hard work, educated nutrition and good lifestyle in my eyes.
What goals can you set today that may seem far fetched but something to strive for?
Whats the point in just coasting along and never achieving something? If you don’t have goals and want to set some mail me and I can help you break them down into actionable steps in a 30 minute consultation.
Be your best guys, don’t settle for second best!
You see I went to my holidays with a goal in my head and of course I will still enjoy myself and have some of the niceties that holidays bring with it but I will still have that goal in my head about when its time to cut back on the Ice Cream or Cocktails, mine are non alcoholic as I don’t drink – but still full of sugar!! So with that goal in my head I know it’s important to train or you end up going back home starting at square one.
When your going on holiday, is your goal just the holiday itself and then have nothing to aim for while on holiday ? If it is this could be your major stumbling block. You see when you are used to exercising 4-5x per week at home and releasing all these endorphins to going on holidays and doing nothing you end up feeling crap after putting all the rubbish in your body. BUT if you go away with a goal of exercising 3-4 days out of 7 you will feel amazing while on your holiday and you won’t go home depressed looking down at your belly seeing all the previous months of hard work undone.
All you need to do is set aside 45 minutes 3-4 times per week to feel great each day of your holiday and not coming back home thinking what if. I am giving you away a full 40 minute session which I did yesterday and you can copy and replicate it. I had to do slightly different versions of some exercises due to limitations with the gym equipment but hey that should be no excuse not to train. The exercise pictures are below but to get access to the complete downloadable PDF of the exact SETS, REPS, TEMPO and REST INTERVALS you need to click the PAY WITH A TWEET button below the photos.
My gym session was this
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To see exactly how to do this programme and have a full workout sheet in your hand that you can take to your gym with you click the PAY WITH A TWEET button below and share it, it’s all yours courtesy of me. You can thank me later for how good you feel after it.