Tuna used to be (probably still is) the protein of choice for many people starting out on their quest to consume more protein. Each can contains 20g of protein and its cheap. You can buy it in various forms, in water, sunflower oil etc but is it bad for your health and could it be actually shrinking your balls lads?
At about 3 quid a can you would imagine that this is the perfect solution to you hitting your daily protein intake without breaking the bank. It doesn’t taste too bad and is never out of stock in the shop. But research over the past few years has told us that the high level mercury in some fish actually lowers testosterone. One lawsuit in America was against a tuna manufacturer for mercury poisoning.
Mercury is natural in the environment but in the human body is very very poisonous in the human body. Where does it come from? 70% of the environmental mercury comes from human activities that use industrial processes like coal burning, incineration of mercury containing products, the production of steel, zinc, other metals, cement production and product recycling. It is highly toxic and when it falls from the air it can accumulate in the waters where it then turns into methylmercury.
Methylmercury is harmful to humans and it impairs mens reproductive systems which lowers blood testosterone and sperm production. So whats this got to do with tuna you are rightly wondering? – Well you see fish absorb the mercury that falls into the sea (methyl mercury) and it builds up more in some fish than others. We went to a seminar with mercury specialist Dr Christian Shade recently and he told us the fish with the highest levels of mercury are :
* Tuna steaks
* Canned tuna
* King Mackeral
* Sea bass
* Marlin
* Halibut
* Pike
* Shark
* Swordfish
Phil Richards first question to all his clients is – how many mercury fillings are in your mouth? He sees this as the biggest cause of health problems before poor food choices etc. Its not all doom and gloom however and there are steps you can take to detoxify the body from mercury. Dr Mercola recommends “avoid eating most fish other than very small fish or those grown in minimally polluted areas like the Arctic, Antarctic or Alaskan waters. If you insist on eating typical, store-bought fish, however, and want to know more about the extent of your mercury exposure, I urge you to check out the online mercury calculator at GotMercury.org to get an idea of the risks.”
He also recommends if you eat high level mercury fish to to swallow a mercury chelator with it. It will bind virtually all of the mercury present in your gut and release it harmlessly into your stool. Here is an excellent read and video by Dr Christian Shade which will give you some new found insight about how the detoxification process of mercury works.
So lay off the tuna and make some wise choices with the fish you want to eat!! Thanks for reading! If you found this interesting please share on facebook or tweet on twitter!